What is the IBF Standards Training Scheme?

The IBF Standards Training Scheme (“IBF-STS”) provides funding for training and assessment programmes accredited under the Skills Framework for Financial Services. More information regarding the scheme can be found below.

We offer flexible learning options (online, insctructor-led, hybrid) to fit your learning style

Our recent hybrid class! In support of safe management in light of COVID19, classes may be run virtually.

Our IBF Accredited Courses!

IBF-STS Funding Quantum

Training Programmes commencing 1 Jan 2023
  • ​Singapore Citizens and PRs: 50% of direct training cost(capped at $3000 per participant per course).
  • Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above: 70% co-funding of direct training costs (capped at $3000 per participant per course).
Company Sponsored Individuals*
  • ​Singapore Citizens and PRS: 50% of direct training cost(capped at $3000 per participant per course).
  • Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above: 70% co-funding of direct training costs (capped at $3000 per participant per course).

*Companies eligible to submit claims for company-sponsored participants:

  • Singapore-based financial Institutions regulated by MAS (licensed or exempt from licensing by MAS)
  • FinTech firms certified by Singapore FinTech Association

For more information on the IBF Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS), visit here.

Future-enabled skills

IBF-STS Funding for our courses under Future-enabled skills will be adjusted with effect from 3 October 2022.

Self-Sponsored Individuals
  • Funding of training courses under Future-Enabled skills categories will only be available to locals (Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents) employed in the financial sector (i.e. by financial institutions or SFA certified FinTech firms)
  • GST funding support will no longer be applicable for all courses
Self-Sponsored and Company Sponsored Individuals
​Funding support for the same course will be granted only once per calendar year per participant

For more information on the IBF Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS), visit here.

Financial Training Scheme (FTS)

Training Programmes commencing 1 Jan 2023
Singaporean Citizens and PRs 30% capped at S$500 per participant per course
Singaporean Citizens aged 40 years and above 70% capped at S$500 per participant per course

*Companies eligible to submit claims for company-sponsored participants:

  • Singapore-based financial Institutions regulated by MAS (licensed or exempt from licensing by MAS)
  • FinTech firms certified by Singapore FinTech Association (SFA)

For more information on the IBF Financial Training Scheme (IBF-FTS), visit here.

Trainings delivered by Sapience which are supported under the IBF Standards Training Scheme will be subjected to the following terms and conditions.

Some classes may be run in a hybrid setting. Participants will have the option of choosing either of the two delivery options for their training. Physical trainings will be limited to the maximum number of participants allowed taking into consideration the size of the training venue, on a first come first serve basis.
For participants attending virtual trainings, virtual classroom information will be provided one week prior to the start of training. Virtual trainings will be conducted using either using Zoom or MS Teams conferencing platforms.
For participants attending the training physically, 
  • Attendance will be taken twice daily.
  • Masks will need to be worn during the conduct of the class
  • Participants who are physically unwell will not be allowed to attend the class.
For participants attending the training virtually and claiming for funding, please note that
  • Attendance will be taken twice daily.
  • Your camera will need to be turned on for the duration of the training
  • The entire training session will be recorded for audit and compliance purpose
  1. Sapience reserves the right to change the date, time and trainer due to factors outside of its control.

  2. Sapience is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of an alteration, postponement or cancellation of a course under any circumstances.

  3. Sapience does not provide refund for cancellation if the delegate is unable to attend. A substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. The invoiced sums are payable in full within 30 days of the invoice date.

  4. For Singaporean/PR delegate who drops out halfway through the course OR did not attend the course in full OR did not pass the assessment associated with the course (if any), you will not be eligible for the course fee subsidy and the IBF Credit.

  1. Sapience reserves the right to change the date, time and trainer due to factors outside of its control.

  2. Sapience is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of an alteration, postponement or cancellation of a course under any circumstances.

  3. Sapience does not provide refund for cancellation if the delegate is unable to attend. The invoiced sums are payable in full prior to course commencement date. You may however reschedule your course to another date (of the same course or a different course of lesser value). Amendment must be done via written email to [email protected] before course confirmation is sent to you. No amendment will be allowed once the course is confirmed.

  4. For Singaporean/PR delegate who drops out halfway through the course OR did not attend the course in full OR fail the assessment associated with the course, you will not be eligible for the course fee subsidy, IBF Credit and Training Allowance Grant.

To qualify for IBF-STS or FTS funding, participants must successfully complete the IBF recognised courses (including passing the relevant assessments, where applicable).

The In Course Assessment will be conducted at the end of the IBF-STS endorsed programme. Delegates must pass the in course assessment in order to qualify for the corresponding IBF Fundings

In the event delegates are not able to pass the in course assessment on the first attempt, the delegate will be offered a second attempt at the in course assessment immediately after the results have been released. This second attempt will be offered at no cost to the delegate.

Should the delegate choose not to take up the second attempt at the in course assessment immediately and opt to reschedule the in course assessment to a later date, an administrative processing fee of SGD$100 will be charged.

For third and subsequent attempts at the in course assessment, an administrative processing fee of SGD$100 will apply for each attempt.

A maximum of 5 attempts will be allowed for each delegate.

Delegates requesting for a review of their in course assessments results are required to submit a email request to [email protected]

An administrative processing fee of SGD$100 will be charged for each appeal review. This processing fee will be refunded to the applicant should the appeal be successful.

Appeal reviews will be completed within 14 business days and a official response will be provided by email to the delegate.

IBF-STS Subsidies is provided to participants on the condition that the participant

a) completes the course with the necessary attendance requirements

b) obtain a pass grade in the in course assessment conducted at the end of the course.

In the event that a participant is not able to fulfill either or both conditions a) and b) listed above, participants will be required to pay to Sapience Consulting the full value of the course as indicated in the invoice.


IBF Certification is an industry endorsed mark of quality for finance professionals in Singapore. Individuals who successfully complete an eligible IBF-Standards Training Scheme (“IBF-STS”) accredited training and assessment programme and meet the relevant criteria may apply for IBF Certification. 

More information on IBF Certification can be found in here.


IBF Qualified

IBF Advanced

Other Fundings Available

SSG Funding

SSG Funding

Terms and conditions apply. Please visit our SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding page for full details.

PSEA Funding

PSEA Funding

Terms and conditions apply. Please visit our IBF STS programme page for full details.  PSEA page for more info.

SkillsFuture Credit

SkillsFuture Credit

Terms and conditions apply. Please visit our SkillsFuture Credit page for full details.

Supported by UTAP

Supported by UTAP

NTUC members can use the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) to partially cover the cost of their training. Visit our  UTAP page for more info.

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